Wednesday, 14 September 2016

The Rockies

Apparently Canadia is full of this wildlife stuff, so I figured I should head up into the mountains to try and find some.

As soon as you enter the Rockies the warnings start - Don't dress as a pickernick basket, you will be eaten by a bear - so I was pretty hopeful that I would see at least something. Took the Icefield Parkway from Banff to Jasper and back and didn't see anything more wildlifey than a raven. Boo. Only saw ludicrously pretty scenery. Oh well.

Back in Banff after the enormo-drive I did get my wildlife fix from an elk. At least I think it was an elk. I'm pretty confused about these big deer things. Growing up I always thought elk was just another word for moose but it appears to be a species in its own right, albeit one that looks mighty deery.

So what of the ridiculous Canadian food I hear you ask. Two things stick out.

This conversation:
"I'm after something a bit snacky what can you recommend."
"Erm, people seem to like the meatballs."
"That doesn't sound Canadian."
"They're wrapped in bacon and covered in maple syrup."
"They probably need to be in my life."

Pulled pork fingers. Yeah, that's what you think it is. Pulled pork mushed back into a lump, covered in crumbs and then fried. Dirty.

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