Friday, 30 September 2016

Return to Pig City

Erm, I appear to be Indian now.

That's pretty far from the truth. I've been living in India for a week but I'm not very Indian at all. I'm back in Gurgaon (or Gurugram as it now might be called, yep, confuses me too), a city of glass and pigs and appear to be living very much the expat life of speakeasies and over-priced beer.

I have been able to explore a bit more of Delhi. Managed to get up to Delhi proper. Old Delhi. With its kites and its car horns  With its Red Fort and its walls and its tiny, winding, bustling streets. Now I've said bustling and you're probably thinking maybe Oxford Street. Oxford Street is not bustling, there are not enough handcarts, cows or people shouting to make Oxford Street bustle.

I'm guessing in time the traffic and filth and pollution might drag me down - it's so smoggy here that the sun doesn't set - but so far so good.

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