Sunday, 4 September 2016

Splishy Sploshy

I'm in St Catharine's, which I think is the point where everyone should start their Canadan adventure. Apparently it's the Canadan town that eats the most doughnuts per capita. Which by my reckoning makes it the doughnut capital if the world.

More prosaically, it also reminds me a lot of the kind of city you see in all American (yes, I know, I'm sorry) movies ever. All decking and driveways and strip malls and drivethrus. And doughnuts. Although it's Tim Horton's in this Canadia place. My first two meals both involved Tim Horton's. Dirty.

I went to Niagara Falls yesterday. That's one of the main ones, right? I'd been warned that it was going to be horribly commercial, but it was nowhere near as bad as I feared. There was just a nearby street full of ways to part tourists from money - why have one wax museum when you can gave two? Why have two minigolfs when you can have three?

The Falls themselves were big and wet and, due to the bank holiday weekend, somewhat queuey. Cobes had been recommended "Niagara's Fury" as a handy and fun introduction to the history of the Falls, so we started there. It was very bad. If you are in Niagara Falls fo not go. It is a waste of time and money which, in a town designed to waste your time and money is saying something. The other Falls based attractions like (TAFKA) The Maid of the Mist and the Journey Behind The Falls were a whole heap better. Almost worth the brutal queues...

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