Friday, 27 October 2017

Lion City

So that's that. Indonesia: box ticked. I liked it. As predicted I barely scratched the surface.
Back in Singapore now and managed to get up close and personal with those robotrees - or Supertrees as it turns out they are actually called. They are pretty spectacular. Little tiny complaint: for an old door attraction in a humid city that prides itself on convenience (although the ridiculousness of passport control makes me question this) water was strangely hard to come by in the gardens. It was like a dehydration experience.

Here's a fact for you. One of the food stalls in China Town has a Michelin star, making it about the cheapest place to eat Michelin starred food in the world. How is this judged? It was not noticably better than any other streetfood that I've eaten in the last two weeks (and noticably less tasty than a fish I ate in Malang). I don't understand. Still another box ticked...

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