Whilst we're talking about overpriced temples let's not forget Prambanan. I mean, at least I'd heard of Borobudur. At least Borobudur is a thing. Prambanan is just a heap of pointy Indian temples set amidst a herd of children saying "can I practice my English with you?" And it costs more than twice as much as the Taj Mahal.

Anyway, back in Yogyakarta / Yogya / Jogja / Djogdja I've learned the very important lesson that my carefully honed Indian spice tolerance counts for nothing. There every time I didn't opt for the spiciest option I regretted it. Here the spiciest option may kill you.
Weirdest thing eaten: gudeg. The "Can I practice English with you" brigade raved about Gudeg, saying "the colour is burnt and the taste is sweet" which more than summed it up. Rarely has a local speciality looked less appetising but cripes was it sweet. It was a bona fide egg but with the sweetness of a Creme Egg. It made me pull this face (you're gonna have to imagine it because I didn't take a picture. I'm not that guy).
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