Monday, 15 May 2017

Go Cricket!

I did the crickets. I thought I should see what all the fuss is about. It was one of those fancy IPL ones where all the teams have very silly names.

Turns out the crickets is mainly about sweating. It's definitely sweatier watching the crickets than it is playing.  Admittedly I have never played the crickets in 40+ heat, so I don't really have an appropriate control sample for my experiment.

Apparently some of the crickets that I saw were famous. Which is nice. I saw a Chrisgayle, which seems to be like a normal cricket but much bigger. A colossus amongst sparrows. And there was no doubting that the crowd love the Viratkohlis even more than they enjoy holding cardboard in the air and cheering at fanfares.

The whole experience was kinda experiencey. We were in the cheap seats which mainly means that: a. You spend the whole time sweating, and b. If you stand up, someone is standing on your seat next time you want to it down.

Judging by the crowd the Viratkohlis definitely won. The Crickets came second. Not sure who came third.

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