Friday, 12 May 2017


So with last weekend's trip I can claim membership to the Traveler's (sic) Century Club. For those of you that don't know this is a "club" for those people that have "been" to a hundred "countries". I don't know much more about it than that.

What I do know is that they have a broad definition of what going somewhere means - they accept changing planes - and an even broader definition of what constitutes a country - Balaerics anyone? From that and the way they spell "traveller" I'm prejudging that it's a club I don't want to be a member of.  

I've not been to a hundred countries. By my definition (it was a distinct visit to see something; the country is in Sporcle's "Countries of the World" quiz) I'm in the mid-eighties, which I don't think is too shabby. By the far more stringent Eldad rules (two full weeks, including two days in the capital city; the country is universally recognised as a country by all UN member states) I'm on the somewhat shabbier sixteen.

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