Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Chattin' at Robins

Still got this beef about aging.

I'm contemplating buying gardening gloves - that's not something that a young person buys. Did some of your actual proper bank-holiday gardening today, it's a lot of hassle, was at it for two hours, and the only thing that's really changed is how full my brown bin is. Boo. Was being helped by a robin, pretty much sitting on my shoulder waiting for worms to be dug up, the precocious domestoid.

What else? Slightly worried that I might have become a monarchist. That's an age thing as well, right. Don't get me wrong, I've not been out mummified in buntings standing to attention. I've not even turned the TV on. But I have read some of the republican-esque comments and frankly I'm not sure I approve. a. they sound like killjoys when they could just ignore it - which is never going to endear me to them. But more importantly b. what's the alternative? I suspect it's a presidency. I fully admit I know nothing about politics, but given the current crop of politicians, I'm really rather uncertain that that would be an improvement.

Let's finish with a riddle. Why does the library have an out-of-hours book return box, if you can't get to the out-of-hours box out of hours because of a big metal gate?

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