Sunday, 24 June 2012


Right, back in Macedonia. Specifically just arrived back in Skopje after a sweaty four hours on a train and an only marginally less sweaty twenty four hours in Bitola.

Apparently Bitola is super trendy. Milan to Skopje's Rome. Allegedly. It just seemed like a town to my ignorant, fashion-unconscious eyes. Ho hum.

We found some Roman ruins. They were fun. Most places don't let you clamber over millennia-old ruins. Prudes.

Tim's banned me from choosing journey snacks. My previously foolproof method of choosing based purely on the name was found sadly lacking. Chipsy Kings were alright but Hello Flips were kind of like polystyrene, only not as nutritious. Whilst we're talking confection it seems that Macedonia has a drink that's sort of like Inca Cola, at any rate it's bright yellow and tastes of sweet shops. My Cyrillic's not great but I think it's called Gazoza, if you're interested.

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