Monday, 28 May 2012

Hey Bruce Willis, I like your sister

I've spent the weekend in Morocco and all I've got to show for it is mild food poisoning. Nothing too bad - not like last year's Valencia incident or that time that we don't mention - but it really isn't a convenient time for the flush on my toilet to stop working.

So yeah, Fez, that was a weekend. Bit of a culture shock. It's a city of two halves is Fez, a new town and an old town and I think you'd struggle to find a more strangely juxtaposed set up. The old town was a medieval maze of markets and mosques - spices and donkeys everywhere - as stereotypically Arabic as you like. The new town could have been just about anywhere. I say that, they sold pigeons in the market place; you don't really get that in, I dunno, Wigan.


FYI I finished Poisonwood Bible, my assessment was correct, the story finished well before the book.

This week the countries reading this blog are UK (understandable) and Moldova (less so).

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