Sunday, 20 May 2012

Growing up

I seem to have started reading the business section of the paper. I'm not sure I approve of myself. Combined with the facts that cryptic crosswords are one of my preferred ways to waste time and that all music released in the last ten years sounds the same, I can't help but think that I'm getting old.

Things that I've enjoyed over the last couple of weeks:
- The middle bit of the Collaborators - the first bit was too slow, the last bit was too serious, the middle bit was a riot.
- Dawkins casual undermining of Michael Gove.

See, even the things that make me smile are curiously middle aged.

I'm currently reading the Poisonwood Bible, I feel like I've been reading it forever. I'm fairly sure the story finished fifty pages ago but I've still got another 100 pages left. Is it worth finishing?

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