Sunday, 28 July 2019

Toasted Sandwich

And the Southeast. Yes, I know. But more Southeast. That there Garden of England. And mainly we talked about the weather. Too hot. Too wet. 38 degrees and thunderstorms. Perfect camping weather.

We were camping at a fishing lake. Now fishing isn't really something that's ever been of interest - one of thise things that other people do. But when in Sandwich Lakes... Turns out I quite enjoyed it. But shhh, don't tell anyone.

We saw castles too, the Dover, Deal, Walmer triptych. Plus Richborough. Dover was the biggest. Walmer was the prettiest. Deal was the one with the fox in the moat. Richborough was just wet and miserable.

Plus White Cliffs. I'm not certain that I've ever seen The white cliffs up close and peraonal before. But there they were in all their chalky glory.

Plus Sandwich - Sandwich is nice and quaint right? A bit like Lavenham only with more soul. And a better name and a much better signpost. And a better brewery - the whole trip could have been sponsored by Time and Tide. What with the sign. And the Miner Miracle statue. And it making Deal Carnival in the
Rain fun. Come on people, drink Time and Tide.

For the record:
5. Sqawk
4. Urban Goose
3. All In Jim
2. Manfred
1. Wormburner

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