Sunday, 7 July 2019

Brum, Baby, Brum

And another weekend in the second city. I really don't know Birmibgham that well, so it's always like visiting a whole new place for the first time. We stayed in Digberth, which seemed to be mid gentrification. So plastic free shops and broken bin bags made a glamorous backdrop to our adventures.

The market in Birmingham was ace. It was like an abroad market, where you could choose between skin-on and skin-off sheep's heads. You don't get that in Essex.

We had festivals. We stumbled on a food festival, which was a treat - always a pleasure to eat steak with plastic cutlery. They had cocktails which smoked and who doesn't love that. Then Beer Central, which gave us more craft beer than anyone needs, but less DJs. The beer festival introduced us to lemon haloumi curry wrap - which should be more of a thing than it is - and hiphop karaoke, which is about the right size. Best beer Lervig Coconuts.

One last mention - the Indian Brewing Company. Get in my face, chaat.

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