The lies of Locke Lamora - Scott Lynch
The Wise Man's Fear - Patrick Rothfus
One of Us is Lying - Karen M McManus
You know that thousand-page-book-with-the-elf-on-the-front that I was moaning about last month? Smashed it. Enjoyed it too, not quite as much as it's predecessor but right up there.
I doubled down on my fantasy this month due to recommendations. The Scott Lynch book was good: great characters, great world building, great story - there was just something about it that made it seem harder work than it should have been. Possibly just the fact that it was sandwiched between the two Rothfuses.
And then there was last year's YA smash, which I was sceptical about, but really got into. Talking of YA, the local library has just banned over 19s from the YA (and graphic novel) section. That's a bit weird, right?