Thursday, 29 December 2016

Eyes Full of Tinsel and Fire

I'm festive as this year. I did the full Chris Rea and travelled home for Christmas belting out Christmas classics. So far I've spent the time back in the UK catching up on things that I've missed. Here are some of those things:

And by culture I really mean London theatre. Anyone who has read this blog knows I go to the theatre more than anyone should.  That's not been a habit that's easy to maintain out in that India. I've managed to sneak in two plays whilst I've been back - Love's Labour's Lost (I can see why that's a play that's not put on much - about half of the story is filler - it's like the anti-Winter's Tale) and The Children (this didn't make me less jealous of Lucy Kirkwood). A couple of days in the most exciting city in the world is just a pleasant by-product.

My cheese intake over the last few months has been almost entirely paneer, which is about as much a cheese as tofu is a meat. As in, it isn't. I had been absolutely gagging for a bit of stinky, stinky stilton, probably more even than beef - and I had missed beef a lot. Fortunately cheese owns Christmas. I don't understand why it's not mentioned in all the Christmas songs. Scrap that, I don't see why they don't just re-name it Cheesemas to make it clear what the real aim of the season is. None of that nativity bobbins - let's eat cheese.

In the last week I have eaten all the cheese. I have also eaten an above average amount of beef. And pork.

Here's a simple pleasure that I've missed.  Walking isn't really a thing in India (a mix of the places to walk being unpleasant and taxis being crazy cheap, since you ask) so I've used my time to do some strolling - Bunny Walk, Blake's Wood, that London - all way more pleasant than anywhere I've wandered in the last three months. No one has tried to sell me anything whilst sauntering for a start. 

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