Friday, 11 November 2016

So Long...

I'm Your Man was the only album I remember being in the house when I was a kid and it seemed very different from Sounds of the Sixties on Radio 2. Like it had substance. I listened to it a lot. Partly for thesubstance thing but mainly because First We Take Manhatten and Jazz Police were brilliant soundtracks for goodies versus baddies battle games.

When I first heard it I didn't know what a waltz was. I figured it was a bit like a wolf. Only an unkempt one, what with its freshly cut breath of brandy and death and all. Maybe it was the beast that won't go to sleep in I'm Your Man, I was fairly sure that was lupine too.

It wasn't until much, much later that I realised what the songs were about. "Everybody knows that you live forever when you've done a line or two." That was a very different message to the one they were putting out on Grange Hill.

Leonard Cohen taught me about depth in songs, taught me poetry, taught me language.

Thank you.

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