Ahmedabad is ace. I'm staying right in the middle of the rickety streets in the old city and it's just about the first urban environment where I've not been able to hear motorbike horns. I'm staying in French Haveli, It's completely Best Exotic Marigold.
When I was asking people what to do I was told to visit Ghandi's Ashram (tick - saw his flipflops and everything) and the step well. I fear I may have visited the wrong step well. People have been telling me how busy the step well is, rather than how difficult it was to find behind the charcoal factory.
So what do people do of an evening in a city with no bars? Turns out they go to night markets. They are insane. I didn't really understand them. I can eat as much as the next man, but there's only a finite time I can stuff my face with streetfood.
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