Sunday, 13 March 2016

Sacred Cows

"Even the wildest imaginations leave travellers underprepared for that breath-stealing moment its gates are traversed and this magnificent world wonder comes into focus."

At the risk of sounding like I'm trying too hard to be underwhelmed, the Taj Mahal was alright. Don't get me wrong, it's obviously a really impressive bit of craftmanship but it is really difficult to have a wow moment over something that is so familiar.

The inside of the Taj was one long jostling, queue punctuated by flashes, whistles and whatever the Hindi is for "No Photo" which didn't exactly add to the experience. Still there were monkeys in the grounds. I like monkeys.

Agra itself was ace though. It hit all of my Indian preconceptions - hustlers and bustlers and temples and animals. Cows-in-the-street-tastic.

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