Thursday, 10 March 2016

Big B's Bungalow

When I said I was in Mumbai in the last post I was telling a little tiny lie. I was actually in Navi Mumbai. And even that's a bit of an overstatement. I was on a business park in the outskirts of Navi Mumbai. Kind of like saying that you are in London when you are staying at the Boreham Interchange services.

That meant that a lot of my travels were complemented with a side of Mumbai traffic. Now I stand by my previous statement. The traffic isn't as bad as I was expecting - that said I did have high (low?) expectations. However what the traffic lacks in anarchy it makes up for in volume. If you're in the traffic, you're there for two hours. You have to commit to the traffic.

And commit I did. Bandra, Juhu beach, Haji Ali, an unnecessarily western shopping mall: a veritable smorgasbord of Mumbai. And to top it all off, I didn't see The Big B. I'm kind of pleased to have not seen The Big B, it's almost better than if I had seen him. As it stood until yesterday, Gary Neville was in the top three most famous people I'd not seen and he just didn't seem famous enough.

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