Sunday, 15 March 2015

Reflections of Dead Maidens

I crossed the Arctic circle a couple of hours ago. Well Northern.

The big box tick since my last post is seeing the reflections of dead maidens; eskimo chiefs playing football with a walrus skull; Aurora Borealis; them there northern lights. Well Phillip Pullman. Now I know I can come across as someone who hates everything that other people like but I really don't mean to. That said, they were decidedly mediocre. Reminded me of the sky over Hylands Park on V weekend, only without thr throbbing bass. And way colder.

What else have I been up to? Mainly eating herring. 

I went to Trondheim, Norway's third city. I liked it. There was a buzz about it that was missing from Bergen.

I've also been to Alesund, a town which gave me an Elvis Costello earworm and is also chock full of Art Nouveau architecture.

In other news, I have just finished Wonder by RJ Palacio. When I started it I was pretty cynical (who'd have thought?) but it properly won me over. Off the top of my head I can't think of a book that has given me more of a warm glow, which is handy as I'm spending a lot of time standing in the Arctic wind watching faint smudges in the sky.

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