Saturday, 22 February 2014

Australia Greatest Hits

Back in England and my body doesn't really know which way is up. I'd say that it's confused as to why it's getting dinner food at breakfast time, but it expects that. It's probably far more confused about why it's been up for such a very long time - consequently there's a mid-level chance that my fingers and brain won't work together all that well and I'll type something even more non-sensical than normal.

Anyway, that was Australia.  The aim was to see the best bits, the greatest hits and I think I made a fair crack at it. Five pretty diverse bits of a massive, massive country in a fortnight.

But what about the other corners? Why didn't I get down to Tasmania to try and see those slobbery bonecruncher things? Or get to the Sweaty North to see the properly big crocodiles?  Or Ningaloo, because everyone knows that that's the better of the two, right?

Guess I might not be done with Oz yet...

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