Saturday, 18 August 2012

Racist Hogroast

It's all kicking off in Chelmsford City today.  I'd assumed that the high police presence was all about VFest but it turns out there's a riot goin' on. For those of you who aren't down with da goss' of da 'Ford, they're planning to build a shiny new mosque on a rundown industrial estate in the, ahem, city centre (still can't take myself seriously saying that). The EDL have taken issue with this and are organising some kind of angry, semi-evolved, anti-cosmopolitanism march thing (for the record the new mosque is being built as part of a complex with a Waitrose, which will really shake-up Chelmsford's 96% white-British demographic, the EDL must be quaking). United Chelmsford (not a football team) have organised a counter march.  So far, with the backdrop of V weekend, sounds like the most interesting thing to happen in Chelmsford since, erm, 1381?

What got my goat (and I know I shouldn't blog when I'm irked as it comes out as a hotchpotch of poorly expressed and easily misconstrued bobbins), was I got handed a 'free hogroast' flier by someone trying to get me to go to a nearby church. Now, maybe it was a coincidence and maybe I'm reading too much into it but part of me thinks that giving out pig products (on a day when even the farmers' market wasn't selling pork) looks a bit like you're trying to court the far right rather than those people that might be supporting a mosque. WWJD?

Right, rant over, in other news i went to Hot Tub Cinema last night.  Odd that sitting in a hot tub with six strangers on a roof in Hackney gets relegated to the 'in other news' bit.  And i didn't even mention that I saw Richard III the other day - that Rylance fellow, he can act.

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