Friday, 27 July 2012

London 2012

London, I don't know how to say it, but I think we need some time apart.  I've tried to get excited about this sport's day thing you've been banging on about but i just don't really get it.  It's not you, it's me, I appreciate that, but you only seem to be interested in one thing; what with your hoops draped all over everywhere and your streets brimming with high-stoppability idiots.

I think it could still work.  I just think we'll get on a lot better if we have a break for a couple of weeks.  Are you cool with that?  Grand. See you in September.


In other news I went to the ballet again.  Play Without Words.  That's supposed to be good, right.  Everyone raves about it.  Didn't get it.  Not at all. Found it boring and I didn't really understand what was going on.  A series of technically adept set pieces, I can see that.  But not sure i'd call it a 'play' more like a particularly tepid episode of EastEnders where everyone does everything really slowly. Guess I'm not as culture as I think I am.

I went to the Tanks, too.  That's the new bit of Tate Modern.  Dead good bit of artspace.  Liked it a lot.  Not certain about the art that's in it at the moment - but we've established that I know nothing about culture so it's probably great.

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