Sunday, 15 April 2012

Is This An Ostrich I See Before Me?

Now I'm fully aware that this little blog thing that I write isn't one of those things that informs the zeitgeist. I don't have to worry that me saying I like something is going to lead to a rush of panic buying and general unavailability.

That being said, I don't really have any other outlets to big up things that I like, so I'm going to have to use this. I saw two things that were really good yesterday.

The first - Inside Out Animals - is pretty well known. Even the most a-cultural amoeba has heard of the Natural History Museum, right? And Inside Out Animals is Gunter Von Hagens latest derring-do so has arrived in a demi-maelstrom of hype. That in no way stops it being brilliant, it just means I don't need to do anything other than give it a casual thumbs up.

The second was a version of Macbeth set in a disused prison in Clerkenwell. By talking about it I risk turning into a gushing fool, so I'll be succinct. It was definitely the Shakespeare that I've enjoyed the most and, off the top of my head, I can't think of a play I've enjoyed more. It's on for a month. See it.

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