Sunday, 8 April 2012

Hot Crossed Pun

I really want to go for a run. Why is that? For the last while I've felt like I should go for a run because I was "in training" for a race and I really didn't want to, because if you've got to do something it becomes a chore. But now that I can't put all that much pressure on my ankle without it hurting, I know that I shouldn't go for a run, but really want to.

Things I've learnt since my last blog entry:

1. There's a reason why people don't do cross-country races in dresses and fishnets. Neither very good for running in when muddy.

2. Dean Macey and Dean Gaffney are two different people (my friends are starting to get irked by how little I know about popular culture).

3. Barbecued python isn't great.

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