Sunday, 25 December 2011

Tinsel-faced Nincompoop

Hello Christmas, you tinsel-faced nincompoop.

Belittling your omnipresence and querying why everyone changes their behaviour around you / because of you seems thoroughly grinch-esque, so I'm just gonna give you a courteous nod and keep on walking.

In other news and responding to my last two posts. I managed to sneak another one of those must do things - I saw me a Hamlet. The nuts one, set in an asylum called Denmark. Really good it was.

Something else that's really good is Let England Shake. Objectively, as a piece of art, it is the best new album I've heard this year. So I stand corrected. Apologies for casting aspersions / pre-judging etc.

Although it didn't make me smile as much as when I heard Kate Tempest guesting on the new Beans on Toast album.

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