Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Pizza My Mind

I don't get Italian restaurants. I just don't understand them. What are they about? Really?

As a rule you get to choose between pasta (for those who don't know - small bits of slippery bread normally served in ketchup) or pizza (half a cheese sandwich sprinkled with leftovers). It's student food, people. Why would you go to a restaurant to eat student food. Nothing against either per se, both have their place, but why would you go to an Italian restaurant through choice when you can go to somewhere which sells real food for grown ups?

Ever since reading the Eat part of Eat Prey Love (turns out it was actually "Eat, Pray, Love" consequently I only read the "Eat" bit - I tried with the other bits - just didn't interest me, sorry) I've wanted to go to Da Michele in Naples and have the Margherita to see what all the fuss is about.

I was coerced into an Italian restaurant (a Napoli restaurant, no less, albeit a lot closer to Covent Garden than Campania) and there they were hyping the face off of their Margherita. Given that the rest of the menu offered absolutely nothing of interest and that this was supposed to be all authentic I figured I should give it a shot. One Napoli style Margherita. A food stuff so bland it's not worth describing with anything more than a shrug. This was your signature dish, restaurant, why would you do that to me? Why?

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