Saturday, 29 October 2011

Two Cuddly Yetis and some Moisturiser, please

So, back from The Mystic Mountains Where People Find Themselves (TM) and what did we learn?

1. I didn't find myself. No surprise there as I'm not a hippy (they kind of expect all westerners that visit Nepal to be hippies - this was unfortunate as I had to beat a Buddhist to death with his flipflops to prove my punk credentials).

2. If needs must I can go without meat or alcohol for a week.

3. If I do go without meat for a week I can find places that will cook me steak for breakfast, even when cows are sacred.
4. If you're going to do eight days of trekking, don't do ten-hour days.

5. When you're flying economy Qatar Airways aren't the best airline in the world. They're not even the best airline beginning with Q. If you're going to do long, multi-lingual announcements, pause the in-flight entertainment - surely that's a no-brainer.

6. There's a gaping, yeti-shaped hole in the Kathmandu souvenir industry. I'm not a hippy. I don't want a tie-dyed, hemp kurta or a batik baby-sling. Get me a cuddly yak. Or a stuffed red panda.

And most importantly of all:

7. If you're going up a snowy mountain, wear suncream. No
excuses. None, not ever. Wear suncream. If it's snowing when you leave; wear suncream. If it's minus ten with windchill; wear suncream. If you're walking through a cloud which reduces visibility to less than five metres; wear suncream. Just do it kids, having a face that things fall off if you smile isn't big or clever. Wear it.

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