Thursday, 27 October 2011

Happy New Year

It's Divali here in Kathmandu and everyone's gone new year crazy. Last night was the Festival of Light so everywhere had an offering to the Goddess of Wealth outside. Paintfoodandfire-tastic. Today was New Year's Day itself. We missed the main cow worshipping but saw the precession. That's precession, not carnival - it was more like the gang meet at the start of The Warriors.

The journey back to Kathmandu semed a lot tamer than the journey out. The girl next to me was sick on hour three of ten, which added a certain je ne sais quoi to the overall bouquet of the bus. Also I found out that falling down a cliff during a toilet stop is comedy gold in any language.

Facial update: I picked all my crone skin off during the bus journey so my face is all pink again. All except my lips which are still scaly - my mouth was stuck together when I woke up this morning. I reckon my face is due another peel, which should give me something to do on tomorrow's flight - the person next to me is on for a treat.

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