Saturday, 28 March 2020

Stuff I've Been Reading- March 2020

The Art of Dying - Ambrose Parry
The Adulterants - Joe Dunthorne
Beloved - Toni Morison 

Coincidentally there seems to be a bit of a birth theme to this month. Entirely coincidental. All three books I had reserved from the library at different times, and they just happened to come in together. 

Let's skip over the second Ambrose Parry book, if you haven't read the first one, see last month's post. 

Not sure what I made of the Adulterants, I found the main character annoying, which I guess is the point, but didn't make me love the book. 

And then Beloved, one of those classics I've been meaning to read forever. Again, so many people have said so much about it that I'm really not going to add anything.

Anyway, talking of births, I suspect this might be my last reading (and probably blogging) for a while... 

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