Saturday, 9 November 2019

The Place of the Navel of the Moon

I'm in Mexico. Specifically Mexico City, the so-called place of the navel of the moon where it all began, where after 200 years of wandering they saw the eagle with a snake on a cactus. I can't remember exactly who they are, but they definitely saw the eagle snake. 

So I like Mexico City. I know I've only been here 24 hours so have barely scratched the surface,  but so far, so enjoyable. 

I was expecting two things: 
1. The size of the place would be intimidating. 
2. There would be crimes happening everywhere.  
And so far I have been disappointed on both counts. The historic centre seems conveniently walkable and, even at night, the streets (in the admittedly gentrified areas I've explored) seem as safe as anywhere. 

There appears to be a whole heap of wonky history all crammed into the centre and, as Dia del Muertes has just been and gone, it is all covered in skeletons and marigolds. The flowers not the gloves. 

So yeah, CDMX gets a thumbs up from me. 

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