Saturday, 28 September 2019

Walrus Schmalrus

Do any long term readers remember what 2013, 2014 and 2015 all had in common? No? Okay, I'll tell you (although I am disappointed in you not remembering five-year-old information about my life). The most I laughed was at Mischief Theatre Company.

But look at them now. All grown up. Christmas specials on the BBC and three shows running on the West End. And I'm all grown up too. Five years more cynical. Five years more ground down by politics. I'm a professional man with a responsible job. Nowadays I go to the William Morris gallery in Walthamstow to learn about serious things like environmental activism and wallpaper. I wouldn't be reduced to uncontrollable tears of laughter by a man doing an impression of a walrus.

It looks like 2019 will be joining that list.

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