White cliffs of Dover. Box ticked. Let's double down on famous cliffs.
The Cliffs of Moher are famous and cliffy. None of that chalk nonsense though, or even the emeraldness of their island, these cliffs are dark and craggy and look like dragon homes. We started at Liscannor, which also sounds like a name from Lord of the Rings, and walked north from Hag's Head until the selfie-ing crowds got unmanageable. They are pretty spectacular, I can see why they are a thing.
Did you know that O'Connell Street in Ennis is one of the World's top 60 public spaces? There are a handful of reasons I found this surprising, the biggest being that I didn't know such a list existed. Anyway, Ennis was as pretty and well presented as you would expect from somewhere in the World's top 60 public spaces.
Galway is one of those cities that you have a vision in your mind of what it's going to be like - colourful pubs and the Irish Rover. No No Never and all that. And it was a bit like that, but in the Latin Quarter - a tiny part of a much bigger city. In retrospect it was naive, like expecting all of Marrakech to be a maze of bustling spice market, erm...
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