Sunday, 31 March 2019

Pop (Goes the Weasel)

And a weekend of things that I've only heard about in the last six months but really should have known about for ages.

Mothers' day and three generations of selfindulgentnonsense headed down to the British Wildlife Centre. You heard of that? Well you should. It's ace. It's a zoo but all the animals are local. None of this elephant lion nonsense. Here the apex predators are badgers.

It meant I got to see those animals that, to date, I'd only seen from a passing car. I saw a badger doing a snuffle, a weasel looking like a tiny, teleporting meercat and an ADHD stoat. Plus some harvest mice, which are tiny.

Saturday was the Bermondsey Beer Mile. Now you've heard of that, right? Turns out Bermondsey has gentrified whilst I wasn't looking. Who'd have thought? Best beer of the mile - Brew by Numbers. Best discovery - smoked lager.

Stuff I've been Reading - March:

Stellig - David Almond
The World Made Straight - Ron Rash
Sharp Teeth - Toby Barlow
Help - Simon Amstell
Siege Mentality - Christopher Brookmyre
Swingtime - Zadie Smith

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