Tuesday, 3 April 2018

The Room Where It Happens

I just don't get opera. I've tried and I tried and I just keep trying but I don't get it. It was La Traviata this time - I recognised tunes and everything. But didn't get it. I'm not certain why. I mean I like music but I don't appreciate classical music on any intellectual level. So that just leaves the narrative.

I've been raised on a diet of films which have complex narrative arcs and intertwined sub plots. You just don't seem to get that in opera. In my limited experience the story seems to be simplistic to the point where it's almost incidental. And I just don't find that that satisfying.

Plus I do like lyrics. And lyrics to the opera tend to be a bizarre mix of repeated nonsense and everyday speech. They don't rhyme "panicky" with "anarchy". In short, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I much preferred Hamilton to La Traviata.

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