Continuing with the firsts from the last post. Here's another one. I went to the Grand National. That's a big tickbox item, right? Right?
I didn't understand it. I liked the sitting-on-a-hill part of it - that reminded me of a music festival. But that was kind of it. It was a festival where instead of watching music you just guessed the set list, which doesn't make for heaps of entertainment.
So that leaves you to get your festival kicks from fancy dress and day drinking. Neither of which it does that well. The fancy dress theme for this year was as glamorous as possible, which meant a lot of people were not dressed appropriately for sitting on a slightly-soggy grass bank. Wet bottoms a-go-go.
As for day drinking, the service was so bad it felt like it was designed to stop you drinking, which made it all the more impressive how drunk some of the crowd were. Credit where it's due...
Anyway. Grand National. Box ticked. Let's never talk of it again.