Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Verdant Mountain

So Monteverde is a cloud forest. Like a rainforest only inside a cloud, which means you get perpetual horizontal drizzle. Rubbish for al fresco reading but great for orchids. There are some ridiculous orchids here; I saw one that was so small a hummingbird's tongue would have smothered it.
So yeah, saw some more of that nature: Kill Bill toucan (sic), howler monkeys, agoutis and enough makes of hummingbird to fill a baguette. Got a bit more of a sloth fix, saw a two-fingered sloth (sic)
curled up in a slothball, almost touching distance from the side of the road, then got to see it slothing a few hours later. They are peculiar animals.

Stopped for lunch at one of those cafes set up for tourists - nothing Costa Rican on the menu, but a suitably fruity bird table outside. There was a patio of people waiting for the motmots and toucanets to come down from the trees, only to see two capuchin monkeys pillage the tables and make off with a fruity bounty. For the record toucanets are brilliant, they look like a disdainful, furry melon with a beak.

It feels a bit ungrateful to whine when I saw so much of that nature, but I'm going to anyway. I didn't see any frogs. Not one. I checked lilypads and bromeliads and the closest I came was a cane toad. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate a cane toad as much as the next man - they are a no nonsense kind of animal - but they aren't the colourful frogs that the postcards promised.

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