Saturday, 10 June 2017

Boulevards of Bishkek

And back in Bishkek to get another slug of Euro normality. I say normality, they sell sheep heads in the market and horse yoghurt at the side of the road, so not certain that it's fully Euro normal, but close enough.

You can see mountains from pretty much wherever you are in Bishkek. By wherever you are, really I mean whichever Soviet square you're standing in - and there are a lot. Say what you like about Communist Russia, but they did do a good Square.

Had a day out to them there mountains. I went to Ala-Archa Canyon to get a last fix of mountain greenery. Saw a tiny amount of wildlife. Saw some mountain goat things (which may or may not be saiga) and a very-ginger, fluffy-eared squirrel. Asia does do a good squirrel.

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