Now was for temples and flags and three storey brown roofed buildings scattered across hills. Dochula Pass delivered on that. One hundred and eight stupas on the top of a mountain, what's not to like?

I think it's fair to say that The Temple of the Divine Madman didn't let me down when it came to delivering weird. Drukpa Kunley, the aforementioned Divine Madman, had a reputation for banishing demons using his, erm, Thunderbolt of Flaming Wisdom. The temple has a reputation for fertility which all the local traders have exploited by painting fertility symbols across their shops. I could have called this blog post "Dongs and Dzongs".
And what of the temple itself? With that kind of introduction you don't go in expecting entry-level weird. Which is lucky, as otherwise the sight of two seven-year-old monklets playing trumpets whittled from human femurs would probably be seen as excessive.
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