Friday, 20 May 2016

Acting Up

I don't like writing negatively about things that people have invested passion and heart into, it seems unfairly harsh. Equally, I don't like paying West End prices to see things that are a little bit rubbish. Bring on the negativity:

Romeo and Juliet
Meera Syal is brilliant as the nurse in the Branagh R+J. It's a shame that everyone else is fairly mediocre.  Romeo and Juliet look like Danny and Sandy and sound like they are reading autocues, leaving the whole thing sounding decidedly un-romantic.  And as for casting Derek Jacobi as Mercutio... (imagine me shaking my head and looking forlorn).

And here's a word of warning: when the Garrick Theatre says the view is restricted it is not lying. Sitting back in my seat I couldn't see the stage. I may as well have been outside.

The Maids
I was lured in by the combination of Benedict Andrews and CrazyEyes. I was disappointed by the way all emotions had been replaced by over-acted shouting.  Once you'd got over that, it was just a fairly boring evening of watching three ladies in a box.

A Comedy about a Bank Robbery
To be fair, nothing bad to say about this one. It was laugh out loud funny and had possibly the best staging I've ever seen.  The issue here is my ridiculously high expectations.  It's the new Mischief Theatre production and, if you've been following for a while you might remember that Mischief Theatre have been responsible for the most I've laughed in each of the last three years. On each occasion I laughed my organs out my mouth. This time it only left me with an aching jaw. No permanent laughter-based injuries.  How perverse that I'm counting the play I've enjoyed most this year as a disappointment.

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