Sunday, 7 February 2016

Now That's More Like It

And one Saturday in London is sufficient to shake it all back up again. So here are some things that were good:

Champagne Life at the Saatchi

I've been to a few shows since the Saatchi went to Chelsea but none of them have been this abuzz. Maybe this feminism thing is catching on. Or maybe that's entirely incidental and it's just that the art is shiny. Day-glo peasants, clay cows, horses stuck on beachballs: what's not to like. Consequently Generation Selfie were having a field day - I doubt and exhibition has ever been so photographed. Maybe that's what's not to like...

Viktor Wynd's Little Shop of Horrors

I fear I might be a bit late to the party with this one, but I only recently found out about this Curiosity Museum on Mare Street. It was suitably curious. I particularly liked Tessa Farmer's fairies running wild throughout the cabinets, like tiny treats for the careful observers.

Belter for The Shelter

Now far be it for me to do down a charity gig - and my personal issue was more to do with rail replacement than anything else - but this could have really done with a couple less comedians. But what a phenomenal line up of people that it's hard to get tickets for. Daniel Kitson - you are very funny, why don't you tour more?

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