Saturday, 19 September 2015

The Fat One

I'm in Bologna. The Fat One. The Red One. The Learned One. The One with Too Many Nicknames. It's a right hotchpotch of a city with its old and its towers and its porticoes. I like it.

Porticoes, hey. They're a thing. In Bologna if you can't travel there by portico then it's not worth going.
- But the Basilica of the Virgin of St Luke is one of the big attractions and that's 4km outside the city.
- Yeah it is. And yeah you can get there by portico.
Although it does beg the question of when a portico stops being a portico and becomes a what? A portico plus? A colonnade? An arcade? My limited architectural knowledge just can't answer that question.

Whilst we're sort of on the subject of the Virgin of St Luke. Is it bad that I'm somewhat skeptical about its authenticity? You've got to admire the brazenicity (let's all coin new words) of whoever sold that eight hundred years ago.

I've eaten bolognaise. When in Rome and all that... It tasted of bolognaise, which I guess shouldn't be a surprise.

And now it's Bologna Jazz Festival, so I'm off to snap my fingers. Or eat something carby. Or both.

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