Monday, 12 January 2015

Squirrel-catching Gloves

Now I wasn't expecting the streets of Myanmar's second city to be paved with gold but I sort of was expecting them to be paved. 

I'm in Mandalay. Another one of those places that I sort of assumed was mythical. It's also a place that is ripe for blog titles. Instead I've gone for a callback on a six year old conversation that (probably) no one reading this will get.

So Mandalay doesn't have as much of the Asian mystique as I thought it would.  Turns out it's just a big dusty city. I've managed to squeeze in the most obvious city sights - the palace with its enormous walls and Mandalay Hill. Not meaning to come across all Lonely Planet on you, but did you know Buddha once climbed Mandalay Hill as a chicken.  Must've taken ages.

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