Saturday, 20 September 2014


So Podgorica. That's a city that's just wrested the title of "Capital City that's least like a Capital City" from whoever had it before. Bandar Seri Bagawan maybe? It's got a bit of a Basildon vibe going on, which isn't exactly what I look for in a capital.

The neighbouring capitals seem to think it's not worth the effort either. The bus from Sarajevo left from a tiny station in suburban nowhere and to get to Tirana I have just had to change buses twice. To be fair the journey from Montenegro is probably weird enough to warrant more space. I bought a ticket from Ulcinj to Tirana only to get kicked out of the bus at the first Albanian town we came to and told to get in a stranger's minibus. Said minibus took me to somewhere not all that central in Tirana and dropped me off at a roundabout. Not especially convenient. Still I'm in Albania.

But enough of that, tales of the city can wait until the next post. Here's some things about Podgorica:
  • There's a taxi company called bum taxis.
  • There's a citywide art installation of five-metre high Transformers.
  • We saw a tortoise crossing a road about 100 metres from the town centre.
  • The local delicacy is a sausage wrapped in cheese, deep fried and covered in a blue cheese sauce.
  • The "old town" appears to be 40m x 15m.
  • They close off all the main roads in the city centre at night and rent out tiny cars for children. 

Consider that city summarised.


Can I dedicate this post to Cathryn Rees please? I only met you a handful of times but everyone of them was a blast. Thanks for the memories.

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