Sunday, 22 June 2014

Greece is the Word

Not really sure what I expected Athens to be like. But it wasn't this. Which is ridiculous as if I'd thought about it logically, it is how it should be. There's a lot of marble and a lot of squares and a surprising amount of green. And ruins. Heaps and heaps of really old ruins.

Had cheese pie overlooking the Agora: didn't see Socrates. Still the view was better than the sickly beige mush I ate. The Agora is all impressive and that, but I couldn't help thinking that the information boards were aimed more at scholars of Hellenic architecture than the proverbial man in the street. I could have done with a few definitions of a few words. And then a few descriptions as to what the context actually meant.

Went up the big flat hill to see that Parthenon. Was suitably impressive, although I did that thing where I took the wonder for granted and spent my time squinting at hawks. I couldn't quite get my head around the fact that the temple and the top floor of the Acropolis Museum were the same size.  The optical illusion messed with my mind.

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