Sunday, 19 January 2014

Gaiaphage Abnegation

Happy New Year peoples.

It's that time of year where no one really does anything due to that tinsel-faced doofus making us spend money on baubles.  I've mainly been using January to catch up on dystopian teen fiction - I say that as though that's different to normal. Anyway:

Gone by Michael Grant
I'd heard the basic premise - anyone over the age of fifteen disappears - but I was completely unprepared for the superpowers bit. Or the talking coyote bit. Or the green-glowing, uranium demon bit. Once I'd got my suspension of disbelief around that nonsense though, found the whole thing thoroughly enjoyable. Just need to source Light to find out how it all ends.

Divergent by Veronica Roth
Most of these dystopian YA things can have their premise summed up fairly easily (e.g. Lord of the Flies meets X-Men - which is the official redaction of the Gone series), not so Divergent.  By the time you're done trying to explain the concept you've bored yourself, let alone anyone else that may have started out listening.  The trailers for the first film are doing the rounds now and it looks all shiny, but I can't help but fear that the film will be terrible. Just mawkish teenage petulance. Again, thoroughly enjoyed the first two books, bring on the endgame.  

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