Saturday, 14 December 2013

Christmas. Yay.

Christmas is here, in all its baubled glory. At the risk of coming across a bit grinch, there's not that much I like about Christmas. I find both giving and receiving presents a bit uncomfortable. Is that normal?

I've been to Bristol since I last wrote. I quite like Bristol. It's somewhere I've been quite a lot but never really explored. Solved that now. And went to my first ever closed door bar. Box ticked.

I've finally got round to watching Winter's Bone. It is exactly a prequel to the Hunger Games. Well, maybe not exactly but if you replace 'mine explosion' with 'crystal meth' then you really won't be far off. Turns out rural Arkansas looks a lot like District 12.

I had a dream last night where I dropped my gloves and hermit crabs moved in and no one would let me take them out because they looked cute in their knitted caravans, so I had cold fingers. Does that mean anything?

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