Monday, 30 December 2013
Year End Charts
Even the best new thing I've heard this year isn't fresh. Turns out that the Horse Head song was doing the rounds as long ago as 2009. That's nearly half a decade ago. To be fair I wasn't paying all that much attention to Youtube in 2009, as longterm readers (both of you) will know (if you missed 2009, here's a recap).
So, aside from out-of-date (but ace) antifolk, what else have I enjoyed? Theatre. I've been to the theatre a lot. If you count stand up too (it's on a stage. Sometimes) it must be the other side of fifty times. Which is obscene by any standards.
When A Star Danced - amdram at its most amateur; very much not the incisive comedy that the flier had led me to believe.
Beard Envy - bad enough to put anything that wasn't great at Edinburgh into context.
King Lear at the Globe - I should have loved this. I didn't.
Hot House - I don't get Pinter. By no means in the bottom five of things I saw this year, but something that I had way, way too high expectations for.
Much Ado About Nothing at the Old Vic - The best thing about it was that it was almost an hour shorter than the last time I saw MAAN.
Particular Applauses:
Sophia Blackwell - okay, so it was performance poetry, but it counts because it's my list. So there.
Curious Incident of the Dog In The Night Time - not having the balcony collapse on me is pretty celebration-worth. Confetti.
Book of Mormon - A lot of fun, but probably not as funny as...
Peter Pan Goes Wrong - A late contender. I went to this with trepidation and have since hyped it to everyone. Everyone. Which means no one is going to enjoy it as much as I did. But hey. It's still on. Go and get tickets.
Chimerica - I don't think I could do justice to this. If you saw it you know how good it was. If you didn't then you probably missed out.
Saturday, 28 December 2013
All boys, except one, grow up
Saturday, 14 December 2013
Christmas. Yay.
Christmas is here, in all its baubled glory. At the risk of coming across a bit grinch, there's not that much I like about Christmas. I find both giving and receiving presents a bit uncomfortable. Is that normal?
I've been to Bristol since I last wrote. I quite like Bristol. It's somewhere I've been quite a lot but never really explored. Solved that now. And went to my first ever closed door bar. Box ticked.
I've finally got round to watching Winter's Bone. It is exactly a prequel to the Hunger Games. Well, maybe not exactly but if you replace 'mine explosion' with 'crystal meth' then you really won't be far off. Turns out rural Arkansas looks a lot like District 12.
I had a dream last night where I dropped my gloves and hermit crabs moved in and no one would let me take them out because they looked cute in their knitted caravans, so I had cold fingers. Does that mean anything?