Sunday, 17 November 2013

Febreezing the Little Mermaid

Just got back from Copenhagen and my clothes stink. Spent last night in a series of dive bars in Chistianshavm, which were a lot cheaper than the bars in the city centre, but also a lot less aerated. Now all of my clothes smell of stale tobacco. Guess that they always used to smell like this after a night out, I'm guessing that without the smoking ban I'd've spent a whole heap more on Febreeze.

Copenhagen was cool, despite the clothing situation. Ate a lot of pastries and pig products, drank bad lager, went to Tivoli Gardens. Well weekend.

I tell you somewhere else I went this week.  Margate.  Never been before, so that's an actual box tick. Mainly went to see From the Knees of My Nose to the Belly of My Toes; I appreciate that it's ridiculous going to a faded seaside town in November just because of a tongue in cheek piece of modern art, but I'm comfortable with that.

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