Friday, 29 November 2013

Celebrity Love Island, North Korean-style

The Catching Fire film is out. And I enjoyed it quite a lot, thank you very much. But I will say, it just hasn't inspired me to get involved in a televised fight to the death anywhere near as much as Pitch Perfect has made me want to get involved in a capella riff offs. 

Frankly I reckon I'd be brilliant. Other than I'm not part of an a capella group. And can't hold a tune. And that the chances of anyone else knowing any of the elitist, esoteric songs that I know well enough to harmonise are close to zero. Although a barbershop version of Bingo would be truly beautiful.

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Febreezing the Little Mermaid

Just got back from Copenhagen and my clothes stink. Spent last night in a series of dive bars in Chistianshavm, which were a lot cheaper than the bars in the city centre, but also a lot less aerated. Now all of my clothes smell of stale tobacco. Guess that they always used to smell like this after a night out, I'm guessing that without the smoking ban I'd've spent a whole heap more on Febreeze.

Copenhagen was cool, despite the clothing situation. Ate a lot of pastries and pig products, drank bad lager, went to Tivoli Gardens. Well weekend.

I tell you somewhere else I went this week.  Margate.  Never been before, so that's an actual box tick. Mainly went to see From the Knees of My Nose to the Belly of My Toes; I appreciate that it's ridiculous going to a faded seaside town in November just because of a tongue in cheek piece of modern art, but I'm comfortable with that.

Friday, 8 November 2013

Rosencreantz and Guildenstern are Alive and Well

I saw Hamlet the other day.  It's really clever.  They took one of the minor characters from Stoppard's Rosencreantz and Guildenstern are Dead, and show the action from his point of view.  They built a whole back story around him and everything.  It even uses some of Stoppard's original speeches.  Really clever...